Day 7: Confess you sins…

New Year, New You, Right?


That’s the ideal, but I’m realer than that. There are some things I want to work on, and I won’t beat myself up for failure.

I want to continue my writing journey.

I want to make more headway with my education.

I want to be able to take better care of myself and my family.

I want to make myself a priority.

I want to make myself a priority and not feel guilty about it.

I want to take a real vacation. Not just visiting relatives.

I want to feel better about my body. If that means losing weight or just loving myself more as I am.

I want to feel like a good wife and mother. It’s nearly impossible to feel like I’m doing okay in these areas.

I want to stop feeling like a failure most of the time. I know I’m not, but depression is a hell of a thing.

Either way, I hope this year isn’t a generally shitty as the last one. May the odds be ever in our favor.